Môyôhqus (ee) “Black Ash Tree”

Black and white ash are sacred to S.N.E.A. people. this is the tree that would be pounded into splint for basket. These and pine trees are linguistically the only trees considered animate.


Medicinal Uses: Black ash held medicinal significance for many tribes in Eastern North America. Its various parts were used for healing purposes, demonstrating the deep connection between indigenous communities and the natural world


Basketry: Black ash was a prized material for crafting baskets. Pequot people skillfully wove intricate baskets from the inner bark of black ash trees. These baskets served both functional and artistic purposes

Storage Containers: Pequots used the inner bark of black ash to create bark barrels. These barrels were employed for storing dried vegetables, fruits, seeds, and clothing. The tree’s bark provided a valuable resource for practical storage solutions.

Other Applications: Beyond baskets and storage, black ash found its way into other aspects of daily life:

Firewood: Native people used black ash wood as firewood.

Snowshoes: The flexible wood was fashioned into snowshoe frames.

Canoe Paddles: The wood was shaped into canoe paddles to paddles mushooy

Lumber: Black ash served as lumber for various construction needs

Contemporary Basket Makers: Despite challenges posed by the invasive emerald ash borer beetle, modern basket makers in the Pequot community continue to honor their heritage by working with black ash. They carefully select straight trees, split the wood into strips, and weave beautiful baskets, preserving a tradition that spans generations

Sugar Maple has been tapped by native people for hundreds of years. Traditionally the sap would have been boiled to syrup then processed into maple sugar. This sugar was used as a medicine and sweeteboil down the sap to create maple syrup and maple sugar. These sweeteners were used for culinary purposes, as well as for trade with other tribes.
Hazel nuts (Muyuhkpâhqâmun (ee) ) of this common forest shrub mature in late summer and were eaten raw or stored for later consumption. These nuts could be very sweet!