Muneeash “Berries”

Blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are not only great food for S.N.E.A. people but also used as medicines.



Storage and Winter Food: Blueberries were an essential forage crop. Pequots dried and stored them for winter. Their longer shelf life made them valuable.

Culinary Uses: Fresh blueberries were eaten when in season. They were also incorporated into various other meals such as Nasamp


Early Enjoyment: Strawberries have been enjoyed by indigenous peoples in North and South America for thousands, of years.

Cultivation and Varieties: While wild strawberries were smaller and sweeter, cultivated varieties emerged in the 17th century. The name “strawberry” refers to the plant’s habit of “straying.”

Seasonal Celebration: June was known as the “Strawberry Moon.” Pequots celebrated it with events like the Strawberry Moon thanksgiving where strawberry beverages and strawberry desserts are enjoyed


Food and Preservation: Pequots ate ripe blackberries fresh, mixed them with wild game meat to dried and stored them for later consumption.



Medicinal Applications: Pequots used various parts of the blueberry plant (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits) for medicinal purposes 1.


Medicinal Uses: Blackberries were used to treat various conditions, including cancer, dysentery, diarrhea, sore throat, and minor bleeding

Milkweed (meeqanskanuhtuq) and dogbane (ahshapuhtuq) are common cordage plants for Southern New England Algonquin (S.N.E.A.) people. Milkweed, being silkier, would be used for more finely twined bags and woven belts, where dogbane would be used for more utilitarian purposes.
These trees produce abundant quantities of mast (nuts). These nuts name for fantastic natural dyes.